Keming Li


2069-29, Donald Bren Hall

University of California, Irvine

CA, 92617, US

Keming Li is a computer science PhD student at the University of California, Irvine (UCI), supervised by Professor Sharad Mehrotra. Before that, he earned his bachelor and master degree at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), supervised by Professor Bo Tang. He interned at Huawei during his undergraduate studies and received a coding award. His research interests include spatial database and graph database, and he is excited to learn and apply his knowledge to solve real-world problems.

He had worked with Professor Kyriakos Mouratidis, Professor Bo Tang, and Doctor Jiahao Zhang on some research work. They were published in SIGMOD’21, SIGMOD’22, and VLDBJ. The work in SIGMOD’21 is to develop new query operators that combine the benefits of top-k and skyline queries and are flexible, personalized, and controllable in output size. Performance is also a challenge of this work. The work in SIGMOD’22 is to construct a space efficient index for top-k retrieval related queries, experiments of plenty queries were conducted. The work in VLDBJ aims to assess its competitiveness with regard to different possible preferences. They define measures of competitiveness, utilize heatmap to show the competitiveness, and show side-applications of the work on multi-object querying.

Currently he is a PhD student researching topic on database collecting data from IoT devices. The target of this project is to develop an intelligent IoT database answering OLAP and OLTP queries with billion scale of data.

Teaching. I serviced as a teaching assistant in 5 department core courses including Database, Computer Programming Fundamentals, C/C++ programming, Data Structures and Algorithms, and Operating Systems. I won the Southern University of Science and Technology Excellent Teaching Assistan Award at SUSTech for 2018 and 2019.

My resume can be found here. My github account is ghlkm.


Sep 25, 2023 I join ISG@UCI as a PhD student under supervisor of Professor Sharad Mehrotra.
Jun 19, 2023 I graduated from SUSTech and earned a master degree of computer science.
Jun 19, 2023 Paper Quantifying the competitiveness of a dataset in relation to general preferences was accepted by VLDBJ! :grin: :sunglasses:
Jun 11, 2022 Paper \(\tau\)-LevelIndex: Towards Efficient Query Processing in Continuous Preference Space was accepted by SIGMOD 2022! :grin: :sunglasses:
Jun 18, 2021 Paper Marrying Top-k with Skyline Queries: Relaxing the Preference Input while Producing Output of Controllable Size was accepted by SIGMOD 2021! :grin: :sunglasses:
Nov 5, 2020 I helped organizing the Greater Bay Area Database Day (GBDBD), where there were outstanding researchers from famous Chinese universities such as Peking University and Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
Jul 1, 2020 I received my BS degree in Computer Science and Technology at SUSTech (BS 2016). I won SUSTech CSE Outstanding Academic Achievement Award for Undergraduates (2020) and SUSTech Zhiren College Outstanding Undergraduate Award (2020).
Nov 5, 2019 I won the third place in SUSTech Artificial Intelligence IMP contest (2019) and the fifth place in SUSTech Artificial Intelligence CARP contest (2019).
Sep 20, 2019 I got the qualification of graduate student and dicided to join Professor Bo Tang’s Database Group at SUSTech! :satisfied:
Jul 1, 2019 I got an internship in Huawei and won the freshman Coding Award of Huawei (2019).
Jan 20, 2019 My team won the third prize of SUSTech Da Vinci Robotic 2019 Winter Camp.
Dec 12, 2018 I won the SUSTech Excellent Teaching Assistant Award (2018) and University Merit Student Scholarship (2018).
Dec 31, 2017 I won the National Endeavor Scholarship (2017) and University Merit Student Scholarship (2017).
Mar 26, 2017 Our team sucessfully held the SUSTech Regional Cultural Festival :yum: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Dec 10, 2016 I won the third place in the 100 meter race, second place in the 4*100 meter race, and fifth place in long jump race of the SUSTech. :sparkles: :sparkles: :sparkles: :smile: :smile: :smile:
Sep 1, 2016 I was admitted by Southern University of Science and Technology as an undergraduate. 😆
Jul 1, 2015 I won the first prize of Guangdong Division of National High School Mathematics League.

selected publications

  1. T-LevelIndex: Towards Efficient Query Processing in Continuous Preference Space
    Jiahao ZhangBo TangMan Lung YiuXiao Yan, and Keming Li
    In Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Management of Data, 2022
  2. Marrying Top-k with Skyline Queries: Relaxing the Preference Input While Producing Output of Controllable Size
    Kyriakos MouratidisKeming Li, and Bo Tang
    In Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Management of Data, 2021